
If you find that you have a discrepancy please report this to info@cuddlesandfriends.com within 48 hours of receipt of the order. Please in you message put which items you are missing and we will make sure they will be send to you with your next order.

Defect product

We take pride in providing you with the best products in the DIY plush industry. However, due to the nature of the un-stuffed business you can rarely find a defect item, as it is hard to identify some defects before the item is stuffed.

To report a defect item please use this information and send it to info@cuddlesandfriends.com with pictures. Please make sure you fill out all boxes with: item number, batch number (can be found on the sew-in label on the item) and a picture of the defect.

After receiving your e-mail we will make a note to replace the defect product with your next order.

Cuddles & friends, Fabriksvej 25, 6920 Videbæk, +45 30509810, Copyright © 2013-present Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.