To purchase goods on www.cuddlesandfriends.com you must be 18 years old.
The order is handled in Denmark and you can up-date or change your order at any time as long as the order is in process. The order can not be cancelled when you have pushed "Pay". The order is final when your order is sent and payment has been approved. You are entitled to return the goods within 14 days if you regret the order.
All orders outside USA will be handled and packed from our warehouse in Denmark and will be sent to the address designated by you (the purchaser). If you order from US site order will be shipped from Arizona .
Mistake in purchase
If you made a mistake during the ordering, please contact us. Please check your order before sending it. Before you send your order you have the option to change the "ship to" or "invoice to". You can also add or delete items from your cart.
Price and payment
All prices are excluding shipping unless otherwise stated. When you purchase goods from Cuddles and friends a shipping cost will be added to your order. There will be charged no additional fees. All prices on www.cuddlesandfriends.com are dutyfree. If you have stated valid VAT number there will be no additional cost. If you don´t have a valid VAT number in EU an additional tax on 25% will be added. If you order from outside EU no tax will be added. The price you accept when you place the order is the amount we will be redrawing on your debit card when your goods are being shipped out. To find shippingcost please read the link Shipping.
Prices on our website
The prices on www.cuddlesandfriends.com are the valid prices at the time of the purchase. Prices can be changed without notice but changes won´t effect orders that have already has been approved. We verify the prices as a part of our verification procedure.
Payment methods
We accept the following payment cards: VISA, Mastercard and Maestro.
Authorizing your card
When you place an order your card will be authorized and you will receive an e-mail confirming that your order has been placed. We will not take the amount from your card until the order has been handled and the order has been shipped from our warehouse. If you card is declined and the amount not redraw will we let you know right away and we will ask you to chose another payment method.
Safety and integrity
Payment is handled by e-Pay who is VISA- and Mastercard PCI-certified. PCI (Payment Card Industry)-certification is a comprehensive scheme and the purpose is to increase data security amoung the providers of payment soloutions.
We protect your personal details
Both our affiliate who is hosting our webshopserver and e-Pay who is handling payments are using Security Socket Layer-tecnology (SSL) When it comes to online-purchases SSL-tecnology are one of the most secure system and allows encryption of sensitive information such as names and addresses og critical sensitive informations such as payment card information. To ensure that your personale information don´t go to the wrong hands all data transfers are encrypted. Details on your purchase, same as you can see in your e-mail receipt and on the order page, are only available for you through the URL in the e-mail you receive when your order are send.